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Subject: Re: LW 3.5 -> DCTV
Lines: 57
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 94 14:58:17 PDT
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> Various ways to do this:
> 1) Make a BUTTON in SID or DIR-Opus that invokes batch-wise the
> IFF->DCTV utility that comes with DCTV. Then use DPaint
> to assemble these DCTV frames into an ANIM-5.
> 2) Use FRED in ADPro to do the same thing.
> 3) Write your own AREXX utility with various bells and whistles. For
> instance, in my version:
> a) Sized the image to 1/4re screen to ensure full-speed
> playback. Sizing was "smart": it checked the original
> image size rather than scaling blindly. (Actually
> trivial with ADPro.)
> b) Since I often did partial renders of animation trouble-
> spots, I often committed "fencepost" errors when
> trying to figure out which frame was giving me grief.
> Using AREXX and ADPro's TEXT operator I was able to
> add the absolute frame number to the preview, OUTSIDE
> of the actual image area (which doesn't affect pb
> speed cuz it don't change much)
> which allowed me to add a title and client name to
> the preview, which always seemed to make them
> happy.
> The roll-your-own approach, while more time consuming, is a
> good investment.
>>What I would like to do is use DCTV to view test renders as though you
>>hit F9 to do a quickrender.
> I assume you mean ANIMATED test renders. Otherwise, why not just
> connect a monitor to the Toaster?
Thanks for all of the ideas, however I was hoping someone else had already
put something together like this. Anyway, yes I meant non-animated. I was
speaking of the standalone LW 3.5 - kinda hard to plug the Toaster into a